Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated:

Sep 6, 2024

This Privacy Policy describes how OWND ApS ("we," "us," or “our”) collects, stores, uses, and discloses personal data when you interact with our website, (" Website"), and our products and services (“Parahelp” or “platform”).

Our website and platform are designed for businesses and are not intended for personal or household use. Accordingly, we treat all personal data covered by this Privacy Policy, including information about any visitors to our website, as pertaining to individuals acting as business representatives rather than in their personal capacity.

You are not legally required to provide us with any personal data. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal data or to have it processed by us or any of our service providers, please do not provide it and avoid any interaction with us or our website or use our platform.

1. Data Collection

When we use the term “personal data” in this Privacy Policy, we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to an individual. It does not include aggregated or deidentified information that is maintained in a form that is not reasonably capable of being associated with or linked to an individual.

Account and user information
We collect personal data when you create your account on Parahelp, modify user information, set preferences, or provide any other related information to access or utilize our platform.

Information through usage of the product
We collect specific usage data, along with the name and email of users, to improve product quality. Examples of usage data include the number of responses sent per day or the number of logins.

Information you provide via user feedback
When a user sends us specific feedback through the product, we collect their name and work email address in order to be able to contact them for any necessary communication.

Device and connection information
We collect anonymized aggregated information about the computer operating system and browser type. We collect approximate locations across all users.

Payment information
We collect payment and billing information on our platform when you register for a paid plan. If you give us payment information, we use it solely as authorized by you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Support ticketing system
Using one of our support ticketing system integrations through Merge will grant Merge access to information associated with your ticketing system, including, but not limited to, tickets, comments, tags, and users. In addition, Merge will be able to read, modify, and create comments from your connected ticketing system account. Merge is a trusted integration provider used by companies like Gong and Drata. Merge holds SOC II Type 2, ISO 27001, and HIPAA certifications. Merge is also compliant with GDP and CCPA. For more information about Merge’s security measures, see and

2. Data Usage

We use the data collected from you in the following ways:

To provide the platform
We use your data to facilitate, operate, and provide our products and services to you.

To communicate with you about the platform
We use the account information you provide when signing up for the platform to send you transactional emails or in-app notifications about billing, account management, and other administrative matters. We may also send you updates regarding our Terms of Service or other legal agreements and communicate with you about security incidents via email or in-app notification.

We use your information to provide customer support, such as resolving technical issues you encounter and analyzing product outages or bugs.

To improve the platform
We collect usage data about how you or you interact with our product and services. We use this data to develop and improve our platform. For example, we use usage data to assess trends and usage across the product to help us determine what new features or integrations our users may be interested in. We do not use your data to train any general AI models unless explicitly permitted.

To secure and protect the platform
We use your account information to investigate and help prevent security incidents. We may also use this information to meet legal requirements. We use your information to verify user accounts and new product sign-ups, as well as to detect and prevent product abuse.

We use log files to provide general statistics regarding your use of the websites, including how you use our websites, what country you are logging in from (for analytics, export control, and regulatory purposes), and to help improve the navigation experience. Your IP addresses are also collected and logged for security and debugging purposes, such as tracking access patterns and investigating security events and incidents. For these purposes, we link this automatically collected data to your other personal data, such as name, email address, address, and phone number.

3. Data Sharing

We share the data collected from you in the following ways:

Sharing with our team
The members of our team will have access to the anonymized metrics above. Specific Parahelp team members who are corresponding with a user after receiving user feedback will have access to the user’s name and email so they can follow up appropriately.‍

Sharing with service providers
We share personal data with our third-party service providers to support our website and platform. For example, we use third-party service providers for data hosting, all of whom are SOC 2 compliant. These third-party service providers are prohibited from using your personal data except for these purposes, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

4. Data Storage and Security

We store the data collected from you in the following ways:

Storage and security
We use third-party service providers for data hosting, all of whom are SOC 2 compliant. All your personal data is stored in a Planetscale database and is encrypted both in transit, using TLS 1.3, and at rest, using AES. The database is either deployed in the United States or in Europe.

When processing data from your ticketing system, we may process personal information if present and applicable. Since Parahelp is not fully SOC 2 Type II verified yet, we have partnered with Merge to handle all ticketing customer data. Merge holds SOC II Type 2, ISO 27001, and HIPAA certifications. Merge is also compliant with GDPR and CCPA. Parahelp only temporarily processes data from your ticketing system when analyzing and generating AI responses. Parahelp does not store any non-AI processed data in our own databases.

Additionally, we use analytics service providers (Google Analytics and Posthog) to store certain non-sensitive usage metrics. In Posthog, that information is associated with the users' names and emails, while in Google Analytics, it is stored in anonymized form.

How long we keep the information we collect about you depends on the type of information and how we collect and store it. After a reasonable period of time, we will either delete or anonymize your information or if this is not possible, we will securely store your information and isolate it from any further use until deletion is possible.
We retain personal data that you provide to us where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so.

When we no longer have a legitimate business need to process your personal data, we securely delete it. We will also delete it at an earlier date if you request it, as described in the section "Your privacy rights" below.

If you have elected to receive marketing communications from us, we retain information about your marketing preferences for a reasonable period of time from the date you last expressed interest in our content, product, or services. We retain information derived from cookies and other tracking technologies for a reasonable period of time from the date such information was created.
The data you process in connection with our platform is retained according to our Terms of Service and any applicable law, including the EU or UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

5. Cookies and Data Collection Technologies

We and our service providers use cookies, pixels, and other technologies to enable and improve the products and services we provide, track the performance of our website, perform analytics and gain insights on the use of our platform and the performance of our activities, and for personalization purposes.

Cookies are packets of information sent to your web browser and then sent back by the browser each time it accesses the server that sent the cookie. Some cookies are removed when you close your browser session. These are the “Session Cookies”. Some last for longer periods and are called “Persistent Cookies”. We use both types.

We use “Persistent Cookies” to remember your login details and make it easier for you to log in the next time you access the Platform. We may also use this type of cookie and Session Cookies to facilitate the use of the Services’ features and tools.

Some cookies are necessary for the platform to function properly and cannot be declined or disabled unless you delete and block them through your web browser settings. Other cookies used for functional, performance, analytics, and marketing purposes are optional. These include web analytics tools, including Google Analytics and Posthog. These tools help us understand users’ behavior on our platform, including tracking page content and click/touch, movements, scrolls, and keystroke activities. Further information about the privacy practices of our analytics service providers is available at: and Further information about your option to opt out of Google Analytics is available at:

You may opt-in or opt-out to use such optional cookies through the “Cookie Settings” feature available on our website. If you choose to opt out of certain cookies, this will typically generate a new cookie, which will preserve your choice and indicate it to our platform in your next visits so that the cookies you opted out of will not be utilized. You can also manage your cookie preferences and accept, remove, or entirely block cookies through your browser settings. Certain web browsers may transmit “Do Not Track” signals to websites with which the browser communicates. However, due to differences in how web browsers interpret this feature and send those signals and lack of standardization, we currently do not respond to such “Do Not Track” signals.

Please note that if you get a new device, install a new browser, erase or otherwise alter your browser’s cookie file (including upgrading certain browsers), you may also clear the opt-out cookies installed once you opt out, so an additional opt-out will be necessary to prevent additional tracking.

6. Your Privacy Rights

You have the following data protection rights:

Access, correction or deletion
You can request access to, correct, update, or delete your personal data.

You can object to our processing of your personal data, ask us to restrict processing of your personal data, or request portability of your personal data.

Withdraw consent
If we have collected and processed your personal data with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of your personal data conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.

You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal data. Contact details for data protection authorities in the EEA are available on their website:

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us by email at

7. Contact details


Skolegyden 6

4000 Roskilde



© 2024 Copilot Labs, Inc.

© 2024 Copilot Labs, Inc.

© 2024 Copilot Labs, Inc.